Sunday, 29 November 2009


我们来啦!GlamAmbassadors & 动力火车及TANK 倒数2010!记得到槟城 Queensbay Mall!

如果你还在犹豫如何和您亲爱的伴侣,家人甚至一群知己好友共度既灿烂,好玩又难得的跨年节目,那非来参与我们的跨年LIVE BAND演唱会不可,一起与50,000人群迎接新年咯!!!!

此动力火车& TANK,及13位本地歌手跨年演唱会将于31/12/2009 由7pm-1230am不间断的炫动!该活动由Magnum & P1 Wimax赞助,GFW为节目活动策划顾问。

GlamAmbassador 即将开始出现在槟城主要广场,主场当然在 Queensbay Mall啦!记得向Glam Ambassadors 问声好,拍张照,你不但可以赢取演唱会入场卷,小礼品还可以有机会上镜喔!
如何辨别 GlamAmbassadors? 她们不但拥有性格的外形,还有。。。。你将会知道的!!
下周再告诉你咯!记得 “ GlamBrands-GlamAmbassadors"

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Yearend Concert @ Queensbay Mall is Set to Rock Penang

If you are looking for a family funfilled holiday this yearend, make sure you zip down to Penang. GlamAmbassadors will be promoting a HOT, FUN & DYNAMIC countdown concert @ Queensbay Mall.

This is a Concert Within a Concert. Featured artistes included Power Station and Tank (90 minutes) and Malaysian upcoming artistes including Manhand, Eric Lin Jianhui, Jojo, Candy Lim, Wana, Nashrin and others.
Make sure you come early. We expect more than 50,000 people to join in the fun. Come to our carnival too, win some prizes and meet up with our GlamAmbassadors too!

This concert is jointly sponsored by Magnum and P1 Wimax.

Energizing 2010 Countdown Concert is part of GlamBrands and a GFW supported event.

We think it is hot and it will ROCK you into the year 2010.